


出典: 標準

-->   Chinese[Big5] --> English Chinese サイト内検索 --> 東文研のご案内 トップ 所長挨拶 沿革 アクセス 人材公募 お問い合わせ メインメニュー 教員&スタッフ プロジェクト研究 刊行物 データベース 図書室 東洋学研究情報センター 研究活動のご案内 過去のご案内 --> 公開講座 研修事業 アーカイブス 施設見学について トップ > 書籍紹介 書籍紹介 Kazuo Morimoto and Sajjad Rizvi (eds.)Knowledge and Power in Muslim Societies: Approaches in Intellectual History, Gerlach Press A short description This volume, co-edited by Sajjad Rizvi and myself, is the fruit of the two workshops on Islamicate intellectual history in which scholars from various institutions in Japan and Exeter University explored various aspects of interactions between knowledge and power in Muslim societies through centuries. Chapters of the volume, presented in three parts entitled “Philosophy,” “Scholarly Production,” and “The Making of the Modern,” invariably display “careful study of texts, not in a reductively philological manner derided quite often these days but in the way in which we recognise that texts are forms of speech acts and lie alongside other forms of self-expression that can elucidate and illuminate” (“Introduction,” 3). In addition to putting “Approaches in Intellectual History” (the volume’s subtitle) on display, this volume (hopefully!) demonstrates the potentials of further cooperation between scholars of Islam in Japan and their counterparts at Exeter University in particular and the UK in general. Contents ForewordIan Richard Netton Introduction: Diversifying the Intellectual History of Islam and Muslim Cultures Sajjad Rizvi and Kazuo Morimoto PHILOSOPHY 1Three Portraits of a Philosopher in Islamic Cultures Sajjad Rizvi 2Philosophy for Politics: Ancient Greek Philosophy Echoed in Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ’s WritingsIstván T. Kristó-Nagy 3The Sorcerer Scholar: Sirāj al-Dīn al-Sakkākī between Grammar and GrimoireEmily Selove and Mohammed Sanad 4Knowledge for All: Zayn al-Dīn al-Kaššī (d. before 1228) on Philosophical Writing Hisashi Obuchi 5Cancelling the Apocalypse: Refracted Anticipation for the Awaited Mahdī in Sayyid Muḥammad al-Mushaʿshaʿ’s DiscourseTetsuro Sumida SCHOLARLY PRODUCTION 6Didactic Discourse and Sarcastic Expressions in the Context of Abū Hilāl al-ʿAskarī’s Literary CriticismMohammed Sanad 7Writing the Imams’ Virtues under the Interconfessional Policy of al-Nāṣir li-Dīn Allāh: Ibn al-Biṭrīq al-Ḥillī and His Faḍāʾil WorksRyo Mizukami 8A Jaʿfarid-Zaynabid Genealogy from Thirteenth-Century Egypt: ʿUrbān Uprising, Najafī Connection, and the Representation of the Twelve ImamsKazuo Morimoto 9ʿIlm al-Siyāq and Bureaucrats in Safavid IraNobuaki Kondo 10Ma Dexin’s Criticism of Saint Veneration: “Chinese”-Flavored Islam Formed by a Denominational ConflictTatsuya Nakanishi THE MAKING OF THE MODERN 11The Politics of the Bayʿa Ceremony in Modern MoroccoNozomi Shiratani 12The Tawḥīd of the Painting of God the MotherWilliam Gallois 13Teaching Iranian History: Narrative Style and MessagesKeiko Sakurai 14 Inscribing “God’s Words” in Japan: Connecting the Past to the Present through the Translations of the QurʾanEmi Goto PostscriptShigeru Kamada About the Contributors Info Kazuo Morimoto and Sajjad Rizvi (eds.)Knowledge and Power in Muslim Societies: Approaches in Intellectual History (Studies in Islamic Intellectual History)Gerlach Press, 430 pages, 2023.06, ISBN: 978-3-95994-164-8 出版社ホ―ムペ―ジへ 東洋文化研究所教員の著作 このページのトップへ ご意見・お問い合わせ: © 東京大学

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